Get in touch

Useful contacts

Mr D Cooper – Headteacher

Becky Neal - Parent/Carer contact

Mrs K Fraser – SENCO

Mr M Warne - Chair of Governors

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01380 724886

Please speak to the school office to get in touch with any of these contacts. 

There is an answer phone to take messages during busy periods and outside of office hours.
If you require a free paper copy of any document on our website, please contact the school office.


Please only report absences using one of these 3 methods and preferably before 8.20am:

  1. Email the attendance team via this email address [email protected]
  2. Via the EduLink App
  3. Telephone the school on 01380 724886 and follow the instructions for 'reporting a student absence'.

This ensures absences are recorded correctly and in a timely manner.

Please do not send notifications directly to teaching staff, Pastoral teams or via the school contact link on our website as this can delay the reporting process and as result absence calls may be sent out unnecessarily.

The EduLink App and Attendance email address is managed by the Attendance Team, where contingency plans are in place should staff be absent. This ensures we minimise any inconvenience to parents and safeguards our students.

Contact Us